Kamis, 09 Desember 2010


Today, I have a biology class. We learnt about mutation. We must do a discussion about it. This is a part of our discussion.

Mutation is a change in genetic material so that the expression (phenotype) change. Mutation can occur in base pair, one segment of DNA, or even on the chromosome.

Various kinds of Mutation:
1. Based on the types of cells
a. Somatic Mutation, is a mutation occurs in somatic cells. This mutation is only inherited / derived in somatic cells. For example: mutations in skin cells that causes skin cancer.
b. Germinal mutations, are mutation that occur in cells of gametes (sperm or ovum). Mutation is inherited in subsequent generation. For example: kinds of disabilities and illnesses adrift down the chromosome X or Y chromosome.

2. Based on the number / extent of genetic material that have mutation
a. Gene mutation (point mutations), is a mutation that occurs due to a change in one base pair of DNA a gene.
b. Chromosome mutations (aberrations), are mutation that caused the changes in the number and structure of chromosome.

*To be continued*

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