Jumat, 31 Agustus 2012

Ghost in a Villa (Drama's script)

Ah... I just found my drama's script (This drama was made for an assignment in a lesson called IEC in our school *and I didn't make it by myself, but the original idea was from me... hehehe*) when I open an old folder in my laptop. When I read it, I laughed to myself and remembered the event when we perform it in front of the class. I think this drama is so strange... Hehehe... The title is "Ghost in a Villa". I just wanna share it, and please leave a comment about this drama... Thank you, and happy reading^^


Ghost in a Villa
Members of group:
  1. Anis Kusumawardani as Flight Attendance
  2. Dike Izza Maulaadianovi as Ghost
  3. Firda Dwi Hartanti as Passengers
  4. Nurul Khoirina as Passengers
  5. William Friendica Mega Aprilawan Putera as Passengers

Situation: Firda, Rina, and Dica will go to Bali because they got free tickets from a contest. Suddenly there is a problem at the plane and the plane will fall. The flight attendances invite the passengers to go to the emergency door. But, it’s too late. The plane fell above the forest. And all of the passengers are unconscious.

In the forest

Dica : Where am I? Where are Firda and Rina?

Dica approached Firda…

Dica : Firda, are you okay?
Firda : Yes, but my arms are hurt. Where are we?
Dica : I don’t know exactly, but I think we are in the forest. Come on, we must approached Rina.

Firda and Dica approached Rina…

Firda : Rina, how is your condition?
Rina : I am fine. But, my legs are being pinned under the tree.
Dica : Ok, we will help you. Don’t be panic.

After Dica and Firda helped Rina…

Anis : Anybody can hear me? Help, help me!
Rina : Thank you. (Say to Firda and Dica) And I think the flight attendance needs our help. (Approached the flight attendance)
Anis : Please help me, I can’t stand up, my feet are hurt.
Firda : Please give your hand, we will help you.
Anis : Thank you.
Dica : (After helped the flight attendance) Look over there. There is a villa. We can stay at that villa. Come on. We have to go there.

In the villa

Firda : The villa is very dark and dirty.
Rina : I don’t like this condition. I think the villa is empty.

Suddenly, the door closed by itself.

Anis : Aaaa… (scream)
Rina : What’s going on? Why the door is closed by itself?
Dica : I don’t know. Maybe it’s closed because of the wind. Let me try to open it. (He tries to open the door, but he can’t)
Firda : What will happen to us?
Anis : I don’t know.
Dica : How is it? We can’t go out from this villa. Oh, wait, I think I can find something to open this door. (Take a crowbar from the other room in the villa)
Rina : How did you know that you can find that crowbar in that room?
Dica : (Surprised) Hmmm… I don’t know. I just feel that I ever save this crowbar here. (Smile)

Dica still try to open the door. But it didn’t work. The door still can’t be opened.

Anis : How is it? Can we call someone to help us?
Firda : Yeah, maybe we can. (Take her cellular phone) Oh, no… My phone is broken.
Rina : You can use mine. (Look at her cellular phone) What is it? My phone can’t be turned on. Maybe the battery is low. How is it? (Panic)
Dica : My phone has no signal. (Say it sadly)
Anis : I don’t want to die in this place. I want to live happily. Not like this.
Firda : It’s ok. Don’t be panic. We will be saved by God. Trust me. We can go out from this place.

Suddenly, there are frightening voices heard by a part of them.

Dike : You will die today; you will never go out from this villa. Hihihi…
Firda : What kind of voices are those?
Rina : What voices? I didn’t hear anything else besides our voices.
Dike : I’ll never let you go; you’ll be here ever after. hihihi
Dica : Do you hear it? The voices come out again.
Anis : What voices? Don’t make me afraid of it…
Firda : So, do you hear it too, Dica?
Dica : Yeah, but why only us that can hear it? Rina and the flight attendance can’t hear it.

And Firda, see a ghost near them.

Firda : This villa has many ghosts. Look over there! I see a ghost. I am afraid.
Rina & Anis : Where is the ghost?
Firda : Over there. The ghost bring “fork”? And the ghost comes here. Dica, Watch out!

Dica and Firda save themselves. They run as far as they can, but because of unknown reasons, they can’t go outside the villa. Anis and Rina that can’t see the ghost, just keep silent and surprised “why Dica and Firda Run away”.

Rina : What are they doing? Why are they running away?
Anis : I don’t know. Do you hear that Firda said that the ghost bring fork and comes to Dica?
Rina : What are we going to do? (Hold Anis’ hand) Why did the ghost bring fork and catch Dica?
Anis : I don’t know. Maybe Dica has some auras. Hehe... (Try to make the situation better)

That ghost progressively nearby and non-stopped.

Dike : Where are you going now? You can’t go anywhere else. You have to justify your deed. Hihihi (Bring the fork)

Firda and Dica back to the first room where Anis and Rina are standing and they stopped right in front of Rina and Anis. Rina and Anis are really confused.

Anis : What are you guys doing?
Firda : (Didn’t answer Anis Question and talk to the ghost) Go away! Don’t hurt us. We never do a bad action to you!
Rina : What are you talking about, Fir?
Dica : Shut up for awhile. (Calm)
Dike : What? Yeah, that’s you. Not for him.
Dica : Me? What do you mean?
Rina : (Whisper to Anis) what are they talking about? Are they already crazy?
Anis : (Whisper to Rina too) I don’t know, maybe yes, maybe no. It’s just because we can’t see the ghost that Firda said.
Dike : (Angry) tell your friends. Don’t whisper in front of me. I don’t like it. Don’t make me angry or I will make all of you die soon.
Firda : (Say to Anis and Rina) can you stop whispering for awhile? Don’t make the ghost angry, please…
Dica : Don’t try to put yourself in danger!
Dike : (Show herself to all of them) Do you remember me, Dica? Huh?
Anis & Rina : (Surprised and afraid) Aaaaa…
Dica : (Say to Rina and Anis) Shut up! (Then say to the ghost) Are you Dike? Why are you still here? You already died a year ago…
Firda : Do you know her?
Dike : How can he forget it? I’m sure he will never forget it.
Dica : What are you talking about? Don’t disturb us. You’re already dead.
Dike : What? You say, “Don’t disturb us”? (Angry) You made me became like this, then without feel guilty you said that words? I can’t believe it. I must revenge for it! (Angrier)

The ghost comes near and nearer. She tries to hit Dica. But, Firda affected the incitement for the ghost… And the ghost, disappeared.

Rina : Firda…!!!
Firda : I am fine.
Anis : I am so sorry, I can’t help you.
Dica : I am sorry.
Firda : It’s ok. This is already a destiny. (Smile)

Firda was dying in that villa…

Rina : Oh, No. Firda…!!! Don’t leave us.
Dica : That was my mistake. (Feel guilty)
Anis : That was not your mistake. Firda said that was already a destiny. So, that was not your mistake.
Rina : Now, we must pray for her. We can’t do anything. We only can pray for her.

Firda sees her friends pray for her…

Firda : Thank you friends.
Dike : I am sorry; I didn’t mean to kill you. But I want to kill Dica.
Firda : Why did you want to do it? What he did to you a year ago?
Dike : I just want to revenge.
Firda : Revenge for what?
Dike : A year ago, Dica killed me in this villa. He was envy of me.
Firda : I don’t believe that Dica has the heart to kill you.
Dike : But that’s the fact. Now I want to kill him.
Firda : No. He is my best friend. I don’t want my best friend be killed.

Rina and Dica still sit and silent…

Anis : Come on, we must go out from this villa. We can’t through like this. Our friend already died in this villa. Do you want to die in this villa like that? I know you were so sad. But, we can’t only sit, silent, and wait killed by the ghost like this.
Rina : Yes, you are right. We can’t only silent like this.
Dica : I know the reason why the ghost wants to kill us.
Anis : What is the reason?
Dica : A year ago, I killed Dike in this villa because I am envy to her. Now, she wants to revenge at me. She wants to kill me. But Firda cover me. Now Firda is dying because killed by her. That was my mistake, my mistake.
Rina : What do you say? You must go to the police station. (Angry)
Anis : You can’t hide your mistake. You must surrender yourself to the police. (Angry too)
Dica : I know, but I am afraid.
Rina : Your action was right. You already tell us about your mistake. But you must hold responsible for it.
Dica : Ok… Ok, I will surrender my self to the police.

Situation : Dica ready to surrender himself to the police. Dike knows about it and allows them to go from that villa. Dike and Firda just live happily in another world.


Sorry if the form and contents of this posting is messy. I just wanna share it with all of you friends... I hope this posting can give benefit to all of us.^^ Please leave your comments to make my next posting better^^

Rabu, 29 Agustus 2012


Malam ini aku belum bisa tidur *padahal ngantuk banget dari tadi* dan iseng buka file di laptopku. Niatnya sih mau menghapus beberapa file yang gak penting *curcol dikit gpp kan? hehe*... Terus tanpa sengaja aku nemu file berisikan tulisan dengan judul "Sahabat". Setelah aku baca lagi *soalnya aku udah pernah baca ini... hehe* ternyata isinya...... *gak bisa diungkapkan dengan kata-kata lah pokoknya*. Daripada bingung *aku sendiri juga bingung sih sebenernya dengan yang ku tulis... hehehe* aku tulis lagi aja ya kutipannya...^^

"Periksalah kembali persahabatan yang pernah Anda rajut. Apakah masih terbentang di sana? Atau Anda telah melupakannya jauh sebelum ini? Bekerja keras dan meniti karir bukan berarti memisahkan Anda dari persahabatan. Beberapa orang mengatakan bahwa menjadi pemimpin itu berteman sepi, selalu mengerjakan apapun sendiri. Perdu yang rendah tumbuh bersemak-semak. Demikiankah hidup yang ingin Anda jalani? Bukan. Jangan kacaukan karir dengan kehidupan yang semestinya. Persahabatan merupakan bagian dari hidup Anda. Binalah persahabatan. Anda akan merasakan betapa kayanya hidup Anda. Berbagi kesedihan pada sahabat, mengurangi kesedihan. Berbagi kebahagiaan pada sahabat, memperkokoh kebahagiaan."

Bagaimana kalau menurut teman-teman? Eh, tunggu dulu, masih ada lanjutannya...

"Orang bijak berkata bahwa sahabat adalah satu jiwa dalam tubuh yang berbeda. Dan sahabat Anda yang terdekat adalah keluarga Anda. Barangkali, itulah mengapa bersahabat meringankan beban Anda, karena di dalam persahabatan tidak ada perhitungan. Di sana Anda belajar menghindari hal-hal yang tidak Anda setujui, dan senantiasa mencari hal-hal yang Anda sepakati. Itu juga mengapa persahabatan adalah kekuatan. Sebagaimana kata pepatah, hidup tanpa teman, mati pun sendiri."

Nah, kalau sekarang? Menurut teman-teman bagaimana? Apakah teman-teman merasakan hal yang sama seperti di dalam tulisan itu? Mungkin ada yang "ya" dan mungkin ada yang "tidak". Kalau aku sih tidak setuju dengan tulisan kutipan itu yang kuberi warna merah dan bold. Di dalam pikiranku terlintas pertanyaan "Memangnya kalau kita punya banyak teman, saat waktunya kita meninggal nanti, apakah teman kita akan ikut masuk ke liang kubur bersama kita?" Lalu, terlintas juga pertanyaan "Apa mungkin kata 'Mati' dalam kalimat itu cuma sekadar kiasan semata?" Kalau menurut teman-teman bagaimana? *maaf nih banyak tanya... Soalnya aku belum pernah tuh menemukan sahabat dalam kehidupanku selain keluargaku... hehehe*

Selasa, 28 Agustus 2012

Hidup Adalah Pilihan

“Bosan, kecewa, atau menyesal dengan segala yang ada pada kehidupan kita sekarang?” Pertanyaan itu tiba-tiba muncul di pikiranku. Aku sempat merasa kecewa dengan yang telah terjadi beberapa waktu lalu. Namun tiba-tiba muncul pertanyaan kedua, “Bukankah dulu kita sendiri yang memilih kehidupan kita menjadi seperti sekarang?” dan akhirnya aku sadar, sebelum semuanya terjadi, dulu aku sendiri yang memilih untuk menjadi seperti sekarang. Apakah teman-teman semua merasakan hal yang sama sepertiku? Kalau begitu apa yang perlu disesali? Kenapa harus bosan? Dan kenapa harus kecewa? Bukankah kita sendiri yang telah memilih jalan ini?

Oiya, gak tau kenapa aku tiba-tiba kepikiran buat nulis cerita berisi motivasi tentang pertanyaan-pertanyaanku sebelumnya. Judulnya “Hidup Adalah Pilihan”. Mungkin dilihat dari segi judul agak kurang menarik sih... Tapi cerita ini bakal memberikan pencerahan buat kehidupan kita *in my opinion*, tapi semoga bisa benar-benar memberikan pencerahan, renungan, sekaligus motivasi buat kita semua... Selamat membaca^^

Hidup Adalah Pilihan

Pada suatu ketika, ada dua buah bibit tanaman yang terhampar di sebuah ladang subur. Bibit yang pertama berkata, “Aku ingin tumbuh besar. Aku ingin menjejakkan akarku dalam-dalam di tanah ini dan menjulangkan tunas-tunasku di atas kerasnya tanah ini. Aku ingin membentangkan tunasku untuk menyampaikan salam pada musim semi. Aku ingin merasakan kehangatan matahari dan kelembutan embun pagi di pucuk daun-daunku.” Dan bibit itu tumbuh, makin lama makin menjulang.

Bibit yang kedua bergumam. “Aku takut. Jika kutanamkan akarku ke dalam tanah ini, aku tak tahu apa yang akan kutemui di bawah sana. Bukankah di sana sangat gelap? Dan jika kuteroboskan tunasku ke atas, bukankah nanti keindahan tunasku akan hilang? Tunasku ini pasti terkoyak. Apa yang akan terjadi jika tunasku terbuka dan siput-siput mencoba untuk memakannya? Dan pasti jika aku tumbuh dan merekah, semua anak kecil akan berusaha mencabutku dari tanah. Tidak, akan lebih baik jika aku menunggu sampai semuanya aman.” Dan bibit itu pun menunggu, dalam kesendirian.

Beberapa pekan kemudian, seekor ayam mengais tanah itu dan menemukan bibit kedua tadi, lalu memakannya dengan segera


Mungkin cerita ini terlalu singkat dan kurang menarik. Tapi, dari cerita ini kita bisa merenungkan sesuatu kan? Memang, selalu saja ada pilihan dalam kehidupan. Selalu saja ada lakon-lakon yang harus kita jalani. Namun, seringkali kita berada dalam KEPESIMISAN, KENGERIAN, KERAGUAN, dan KEBIMBANGAN yang kita ciptakan sendiri. Kita kerap terbuai dengan berbagai alasan untuk tak mau melangkah, tak mau menatap kehidupan. Karena hidup adalah pilihan, maka hadapilah itu dengan gagah. Dan karena hidup adalah pilihan, maka pilihlah dengan bijak.

Tentu dalam memilih, kita ingin meraih sesuatu yang terbaik semacam keberhasilan atau kemenangan. Dan kemenangan sejati bukanlah kemenangan atas orang lain. Namun, kemenangan atas diri sendiri. Berpacu di jalur keberhasilan diri adalah pertandingan untuk mengalahkan rasa ketakutan, keengganan, keangkuhan, dan semua beban yang menambat diri di garis ‘start’. Jerih payah untuk mengalahkan orang lain sama sekali tak berguna. Motivasi tak semestinya lahir dari rasa iri, dengki, atau dendam. Keberhasilan sejati memberikan kebahagiaan yang tak mungkin diraih lewat niat yang ternoda.

Agak ribet ya bahasanya? Atau malah gak nyambung sama ceritanya? *nulis apaan sih aku ini? Maklum lagi banyak pikiran... hehehe* Aku serahkan ke teman-teman aja lah buat menilai dan memberikan kritik atau saran biar bisa jadi masukan buat tulisanku berikut-berikutnya... hehehe... Terima Kasih^^ 감사합니다