Sabtu, 16 April 2011

Doom's Day is Near

All of my beloved friends, there are 2 types of doom’s day. There are Sughra doom’s day and Kubra doom’s day. Sughra doom’s day is the little doom’s day. The example of this doom’s day is the organisms that die everyday, every hours, every minutes, and every seconds. Kubra doom’s day is the biggest doom’s day. All of people don’t know when it is happen. What day, what hour, what minutes, and what seconds. We are as people don’t know when Kubra doom’s day happens. Only our God, Allah SWT that know when Kubra doom’s day happens.

There are many evidences of doom’s day. Namely, many girls want to be handsome ike a boy and otherwise many boys want to be beautfull like a girl. The other example is many people busy to hunt not give each other. The products of pilfering called achievement and the money products of corruption called sustenance. “Ya…Allah why does this era like this? Is this the evidence of doom’s day will come?

All of my friends, all of people will face doom’s day. Because of that from now we must do goog action like do praying, to be loyal to our parents, kind to other people, and not easy to angry.

The letter that tell about doom’s day, there are in

An-Nahl letter verse 1.

The meaning is:

The destiny of Allah certainly comes, because of that do not you want to in order that come fast

Al-Kahfi letter verse 47.

The meaning is:

And remember in that day, we will apply montains, and you will see earth be flat, than we collect them, so there is no body in the earth again.

Ok friends, now, many evidences that tell about doom’s day is near. So, from now we must do good action every time and every where.

My friends, I think that’s all that I can write today. I hope fully it can be useful for us. I would like to sorry if I have many mistakes. Because no body is perfect. Thanks for your attention.

Rabu, 13 April 2011


Burung pipit bernyanyi membelah sunyi
Menyambut mentari bangun dari mimpi
Rumpur-rumput basah dimandikan embun pagi
Kabut berkumpul bersiap untuk pergi
Dan membuat bulan sabit bersembunyi
Awan pun tersenyum menyambut datangnya pagi
Langit dan bumi pun menyambut dengan riang hati
Namun entah mengapa awan lebih memihak langit
Bumi sedih namun tetap berusaha bangkit
Walaupun melihatnya saja terasa sakit
Bumi tetap berlari menuju bukit
Ingin berdialog dengan langit
Namun perkataan langit membuatnya sakit
Dan terjadilah pertengkaran sengit
Setelah senja membelit
Petir pun akhirnya meniup peluit
Memberikan kartu kuning pada bumi dan langit
Waktu seakan semakin menyempit
Pagi pun telah terhimpit
Berakhirlah pula pertengkaran sengit
Dengan damai yang menyembuhkan sakit

Oleh: Firda Hartanti

Minggu, 03 April 2011

Our Debate at Class

We have a lesson called Intensive English Conversation (IEC) at our school, and we ever have debate at class. Our group got motion: "National Examination is the best way to pass Senior High School" and we are as negative team^^ Here is our debate if we write it. (only my team's part^^)
I think national examination should be abolished because determining our success of the whole 3 years we've spent in senior high school just by passing the 6-day-exams isn’t a wise decision. Why? Well, We have some reasons for that.
  1. National examination doesn’t guarantee that the students would do the test honestly by themselves. IT'S TRUE "THE STUDENTS DIDN’T DO THE TEST HONESTLY ALL BY THEMSELVES". They cheated by asking their friends, using mobile phone, and moreover depending on DEADLY MESSAGES that they didn’t even know who the sender were. What’s more, there weren’t a few students believed the messages and as result THEY FAILED THE EXAMINATION, MEANING LOSING THE WORTH OF THEIR 3-year-sacrifice. how pathetic, they used dirty tricks on THEIR OWN JUDGEMENT DAYS which hold all the hardworks and efforts of their whole 3 years! NOT SO DIFFERENT FROM GAMBLING. That’s lame, so where’s the value of all of their sacrifices? NOTHING, those sacrifices mean NOTHING when they hang their fate on the national examination and that goes for us too. OUR and OUR TEACHERS' SACRIFICES ARE WORTHLESS (when we are counting ourself on the national examination) IF THAT’S HOW IT IS.
  2. Determining students' graduation from the results of national examination doesn’t resemble the true spirit of study. Why? Because I think we study because we wanna achieve our goals in the future. Yeah, I know that theory is important, but sadly when it goes to NATIONAL EXAM, we'll aim to pass the exam as if we go to school just to get good mark or maybe this kind of thought will pop in our head "MY FUTURE DEPENDS ON THE RESULT OF THIS NATIONAL EXAM SO I CAN’T FAIL NO MATTER WHAT". See the words NO MATTER WHAT, I think that’s the goal of the students who have to fight for their future by passing the national examination and that could lead them to legalize any kinds of way whether they are good or not, as long as they can pass the exam with good marks, they won’t care about it because none of us wants to fail and waste our time and sacrifices. I think that doesn’t resemble the true meaning of study at all.
  3. National examination can’t be used to decide whether a certain student can pass or not because even if they can do well in the test by themselves and they are a clever student in their school, but for some reasons (can be a problem about the test sheet) they fail the test while the others pass it (dont care whether they cheated or not). AIN’T THAT UNFAIR? Yeah, THAT’S UNFAIR... Because though the government made the same standard in national but the security system in each school isn’t the same, so I can imagine how unfair that was, PLAYING AROUND WITH MARKS as if studying means nothing...
Now for my conclusion, i think national examination shuld be abolished because it isn’t an accurate device to decide whether a certain student can pass or not and there are some useless impacts caused by it just like what are stated above. even if it’s impossible for the government to abolish the national examination, then the government can continue it but shouldn’t use it as the determiner of students graduation, so the government can use the national examination only to measure the students' knowledge, not to determine their graduation. Graduation should be determined by the daily learing results at school, it’s FAIR and FAR MORE ACCURATE.
Group 4 (Negative team)
Motion: National Examination is the best way to pass Senior High School
Firda Dwi Hartanti (07 – 3rd speaker)
Made Angga Akwiditya (08 – 2nd speaker)
Riyan Wicaksana Putra (10 – 1st speaker)

Sabtu, 02 April 2011

Banjir... Banjir...!!!

Banjir adalah peristiwa tahunan yang harus dialami oleh sebagian besar warga Jakarta. Hampir tiap tahun volume air yang menggenangi ibu kota ini selalu bertambah. Banjir di awal tahun 2007 disinyalir lebih parah daripada tahun 2002. Semestinya musibah ini tidak perlu terjadi apabila manajemen bencana dikelola secara serius dan efektif.
Secara historis kita dapat belajar dari Belanda. Negeri yang pernah menjajah Indonesia ini disebut “The Netherlands” yang berarti ‘tanah-tanah di bawah permukaan laut’. Negara itu di bawah permukaan Laut Utara dan hampir seluruh wilayahnya merupakan dataran rendah. Di beberapa wilayah negeri ini ada yang ketinggian tanahnya 5 meter bahkan 6,6 meter di bawah permukaan laut. Jika tidak ada tanggul-tanggul dan bukit-bukit di pesisir, sekitar 38 persen areal negeri ini akan tergenang air. Ratusan kanal dibangun untuk mengeluarkan air dari daerah lalu dipompa ke laut. Mesin pompa air digerakkan dengan teknologi kincir angin, memanfaatkan angin kuat di daerah pantai. Sejak abad ke-19, mesin uap dan listrik menggantikan fungsi kincir angin. Tanggal 1 Februari 1953, badai dahsyat menghancurkan 67 tanggul di Barat Daya Belanda. Banjir besar memporakporandakan daerah seluas 175.000 hektar. Lebih dari 1.800 orang mati tenggelam. Maka, pelaksanaan Proyek Delta dipercepat meliputi peremajaan dan penguatan tanggul, pembangunan empat bendungan raksasa dan pembaharuan sistem pengaturan air. Banyak sekali tanggul dibangun untuk mencegah air laut menggenangi daratan.
Pemerintah negeri seribu tanggul ini begitu serius melawan ancaman banjir yang selalu di hadapan mata. Hasilnya banjir besar tidak terjadi lagi. Dengan bangga orang Belanda berkata, “Tuhan menciptakan bumi, tetapi orang Belanda menciptakan Negeri Belanda”. Di Indonesia banjir terjadi justru karena penggundulan hutan dan ketidakjelasan manajemen bencana. Orang Indonesia baru bisa berkata, “Tuhan menciptakan bumi, tetapi kami menciptakan Indonesia sebagai Negeri Banjir”. Ketinggian tanah rata-rata di Jakarta 7 meter di atas permukaan laut. Dengan ketersediaan teknologi ditambah manajemen bencana yang serius dan efektif, semestinya dampak banjir dari tahun ke tahun terus berkurang.

Semua Karena Kesalahan Manusia
Oleh: Firda Hartanti
Alam yang indah di Indonesia
Udara yang sejuk di negara kita
Hutan yang lebat di kota-kota
Alam yang hijau bagaikan Zamrud Khatulistiwa
Kekayaan yang melimpah ini
Adalah hadiah besar dari Tuhan untuk kami
Terima kasih ucapan yang tepat dari kami
Atas kekayaan alam di negara ini
Kekayaan alam yang sungguh indah
Yang dirawat dengan susah payah
Sekarang telah rusak tidak terarah
Karena banyak hutan telah dijarah
Bencana alam telah terjadi di Indonesia
Banyak keluarga hidup menderita
Kita hanya bisa pasrah dan berdoa
Kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa
Bencana alam datang silih berganti
Banyak orang pergi mengungsi
Sungguh sedih rasa hati
Melihat kejadian seperti ini
Lalu bagaimana kehidupan kita selanjutnya
Bila bencana terus melanda
Kita tak dapat menyalahkan pemerintah negara
Karena semua adalah kesalahan manusia